What does “Freedom” mean to Me??

Jackson Glasser
3 min readJul 2, 2021

Recently I have been thinking a lot about freedom, and what it means to be free in a society but also what it means to be individually free. What does it mean to be free individually? For me, I strive to be free from a lot of societal norms that I feel have and have had a negative effect on me in the past. I feel like I have been conditioned since I was young to be fearful, to be scared of things, such as the future, uncertainty, etc. Over the past couple of years, fortunately, I began to change my entire mindset on what life means and what it means to live life freely.

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

For me, one of the main points I focus on when I try to be free is being able to express myself without fear of judgement from other people. This could be my friends or even just other random people that I have never met before. I am happy to say that I am probably the most free I have ever felt. Learning to express myself without fear of judgement really opens up my mind because I can think of a ton of creative journeys I want to take. I feel like a few years ago, I was not “Free” because all of the ideas I had I wouldn't act on because I was afraid of judgement or being hated for doing what I wanted to. I believe a lot of this comes from social media. In my personal experience, on Instagram especially, a lot of people love to hate and will leave just horrible negative comments on posts and on creative things I love to…



Jackson Glasser

My name is Jackson, I am the owner of jaxhoffman.com and love to create music, travel and explore! I love telling stories and writing also!